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Welcome to FCC Concord!

We believe that everyone is an equal child of God who deserves deep and meaningful connections, a purpose-filled life, and love expressed through belonging, service, and justice. We are an inclusive, loving, Open and Affirming community of faith and action; seeking, serving, and celebrating Christ through open minds, willing hands, and committed hearts.  

FCC Is Back to Hybrid Worship!

Sunday School is NOT being offered at this time.

We will continue to livestream the service on Zoom and on Facebook Live. You will still be able to interact in the service if still worshiping from home. Details have been emailed to our members and friends, but you can join us on Facebook Live. We also record the services and post them on our website on our sermons page. If you would like to join us more interactively than Facebook Live allows, please click here to email our minister, Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor!

Returning to Real Crackers and Juice

After a successful launch on October 1, 2023, World Communion Sunday, we will continue coming forward for communion. This is a big change following years of adapting our communion traditions due to COVID-19.

Here’s how it works:

  • An elder and two deacons serve each person as they come forward. Elders and deacons wear masks to limit possible exposure.

  • One member of the serving team holds a tray with rice crackers (gluten-free), another holds the individual cups of juice, and the third person holds a basket of pre-filled cups for anyone who feels more comfortable with that option.

  • Everyone who comes forward will take the cup and the cracker, then return to their seats. We will eat and drink together.

If a person cannot come to the front of the sanctuary, communion will be brought to them.

We serve communion every Sunday to all who are willing to participate! No age limits, no tests, no affirmations of faith, and no confessions are required. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome in our church and you are welcome to join us as we celebrate Communion.

We're not afraid of your past experiences or your present struggles. We choose love instead of judgment, loving people where they are and giving them the space to doubt, wonder, probe and ask the hard questions.

You are welcome here.

Located in Concord, CA, we've been serving our community since 1885.  We hope you'll come experience our extravagant welcome!  

If you have any questions after visiting our site, please contact us.  Get social with us on Facebook or Twitter.    

What does it mean to be Open and Affirming?

Who are we?