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Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor

This Week in Worship
John 15:1-8

April 28, 2024
Abide in Me

Rev. Dr. Leslie Taylor, preaching

The passage for this week is part of what is called Jesus' "Farewell Discourses." These are sermons, teachings, and parables said to the Disciples and anyone within earshot about what Jesus was going to experience prior to his death and resurrection. You may be wondering why we look back since Jesus has been resurrected. Well, one good reason to look back is to remember all he taught us while he was still alive.

During challenging times, it's easy to forget the teachings that anchor our faith. This week, the message is a comforting reminder: Abide in Me — remain steadfast in your faith — trust in me and trust that I will always be by your side, never abandoning you.

The Salt Project, a valuable resource I consult for sermon preparation, shares a profound insight about this week's text: “Jesus, in his urgent pastoral care, assures his companions that his imminent departure is not abandonment, but a pathway to a deeper intimacy. It's as if he's saying: Yes, I'm about to leave; but on a deeper level, I'll still be with you, even closer than before. Don't worry — trust me!” Let's embrace this message together — trust in Christ!

This week, we celebrate three people who want to make a commitment to abiding in Christ and getting baptized! Join us on Sunday to celebrate the gift of new life!

The way we worship is the way we live.

Worship is the work of the people, bringing together our fullest selves in a communal act of love and gratitude.  Each voice is important; each person is valued as the Spirit draws out our authentic gifts and talents, shared in the ever-widening circle of God’s people.  We hope you’ll join us this week as we gather to worship the God of extravagant welcome.